On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 12:13:17AM +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:

> https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/ to the rescue :)

Been there of course...

> Instead of e.g.       http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#ControlPort
> you can just write    lv2:ControlPort

That I understand. But:

1. The logic that allows this is hard coded in the LV2 host,
   it is not the result of 'including' the @prefix. Checking
   that the @prefix is present does not mean that whatever
   is hard coded corresponds to what the @prefix is supposed
   to imply. This is what I mean when saying that all this
   just provides 'an illusion of conformity'.

2. If the intention is that people use the short form, why
   bother with the long one at all ? The code that reads 
   the ttl files can simply accept the short one without
   even being aware of the equivalence to the long one.
   Which then has no reason to exist at all. So to me
   this looks like a solution in search for a problem.



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