the usual place:

One nasty little problem right now is that the client aborts during
exit(3). i traced back to using shmat(2) with a specific address where
the segment should be attached. i don't know what to make of this -
the client runs fine but dies during exiting. wierd.

   timebase API
   fixed port buffer assignments
   add audioengine_go() to client API to allow
     port registration before the client is set running
   clean client exit function (audioengine_close())
   full use of shmctl (id, IPC_RMID) 
   using a handle in the client API

   switch to using named pipes for inter-client scheduling
   proper testing
   AF_UNIX domain for server connections
   checking data flow
   driver side (ALSA)
   reimplementing support for SCHED_FIFO etc.


  multiple port buffer shm segments (i.e. dynamically
          increase the total number of ports in the system)

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