>I won't pretend to know much of this issue, but a proof-of-concept text 
>front-end for ardour was written a while ago wasn't it?  

Its under active development (though mostly by someone else). Its
written to be useful by sight-impaired computer users, and seems to
work pretty well.

>                                                         So (if this is true, 
>off the top of my head sorry) a Qt port be theoretically possible, depending 
>on how the separation is achieved.  

I didn't mean it wasn't possible. And the separation is 100%: the
backend has no idea that a UI even exists. Just that its not a "port"
in the usual sense. Since the GUI is responsible for 2/3 of the code
in gtk-ardour, it would be a major rewrite.

>                                    From my limited experience with both 
>toolkits, writing a custom Qt GUI widget is easier because there's less 
>setting up and managing of the area.  

There are very few custom widgets in Ardour. There are, however, a
*lot* of callbacks and a lot of GUI paradigms that might not translate
smoothly to another toolkit.

The canvas does make somethings easier, but not entirely. Since the
objects displayed on the canvas cannot necessarily fit into memory,
its still necessary to hack up a bunch of code to track which parts of
them to bring into memory. the canvas is supposed to help avoid this,
but it doesn't work when the object is an 4GB audio region rather than
a line or a pixmap :)


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