Hello LAD,

New releases of Aeolus and JAAA are available at the usual place :


>From the Aeolus-0.3.1 README :

* Added 'instability'. Each pipe is individually phase modulated
  in order to emulate the random fluctuations in a real one. This
  provides for a much more natural sound, in particular for long
  sustained notes. CPU load has gone up a bit, but not too much.

* New reverb. Comments invited.

* Added stereo position slider. Internally Aeolus uses a full 3-D 
  sound format (which you can use with the -B, -C 4 or -C 8 options).
  The stereo output is derived from a 'virtual stereo microphone' 
  placed in the 3-D sound field. The apparent position can be set
  anywhere between 'back' and 'front'.
* Divisions II and III can now be put at the back.

* Wavetables can now be saved to disk. They will be used when Aeolus
  is later started with the same sample frequency and tuning, giving
  'immediate satisfaction'.

* New option -W <directory> to select the wavetables loaded on start.

* New default colors, a bit warmer than before.

* Added -name <name> option, this permits multiple instances when running
  under JACK.

* New 32" stop. In fact just the Trombone 16 scaled down by one octave
  and tweaked a bit, but quite spectacular if your speakers can handle it.

There's also a new demo file, Xmas.ogg (I know it's a bit early :-).

For JAAA-0.1.2 :

* Added -name <name> option, this permits multiple instances when running
  under JACK.

Both apps need an update of clxclient.so, version 1.0.1.

Enjoy !


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