On Tue, 2005-14-06 at 10:50 +0200, Jay Vaughan wrote:
> >I must admit, I had to double-check that I really am reading the
> >year-2005 folder of linux-audio-dev, and not some old mails from the
> >archives. ;) Now that SuSE, Mandrake, Fedora and others have started
> >to use dmix as the default output plugin, basic desktop sound stuff
> >should finally start to work, as people expect, out of the box.
> i mean, we should take this jwz thing as a call for jihad against 
> non-working audio, including the perception of non-working audio, and 
> such a jihad may be best served by those examples of no-problem 
> systems coming forward and being demo'ed.

I think we should take it for what it is:  a whiney rant from someone
who is famous for whining about anything and everything.

Why should we care what jwz thinks?  Let him publicly cry and run to OSX
- see if I care.

Addressing the concerns of people looking for help on this list is a
million times more important than some nonsense PR campaign to counter
the rant of a whiney dotcom washout that happened to get slashdotted.


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