  I have a raid1 setup with a missing device.  I have added a new device and 
everything seems to be working fine, except I cannot remove the old, missing, 
device.  There is no error - but the 'some devices missing' tag doesn't go away.

r...@willvo:~# btrfs filesystem show
failed to read /dev/sr0
Label: none  uuid: f929c413-01c8-443f-b4f2-86f36702f519
    Total devices 3 FS bytes used 578.39GB
    devid    1 size 931.51GB used 604.00GB path /dev/sdb1
    devid    2 size 931.51GB used 604.00GB path /dev/sdc1
    *** Some devices missing

Btrfs Btrfs v0.19
r...@willvo:~# btrfs device delete missing /data
r...@willvo:~# btrfs filesystem show
failed to read /dev/sr0
Label: none  uuid: f929c413-01c8-443f-b4f2-86f36702f519
    Total devices 3 FS bytes used 578.39GB
    devid    1 size 931.51GB used 604.00GB path /dev/sdb1
    devid    2 size 931.51GB used 604.00GB path /dev/sdc1
    *** Some devices missing

Btrfs Btrfs v0.19

There are a number of sub-volumes of /data that are mounted in other locations. 
 I'm using kernel 2.6.36 (the lucid backport of the natty kernel) and similar 
btrfs-tools (lucid backport of natty tools).  Interestingly looking at the 
output of `dh -h`, it appears that the 'missing' devices are no longer being 
counted in the filesystem size - there is just a phantom 'missing' tag in 

Is this actually a problem, or can I just keep running as is?  It seems to 
mount fine without -odegraded.

Any ideas how I can list the missing devices?  Any ideas on how I can remove 
the missing devices?

Be well,

Will        :-}

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