On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 4:07 AM, C Anthony Risinger <anth...@extof.me> wrote:
> On Nov 27, 2010, at 10:22 PM, Calvin Walton <calvin.wal...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 21:19 -0600, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
>>> eg. if i have a "regular" directory (not a subvolume) in the top-
>>> level:
>>> /__boot
>>> i can mount it with:
>>> mount -o subvol=__boot /dev/sda /mnt
>> The 'subvol' option actually works using the same mechanism as a bind
>> mount. The fact that it works using a directory is purely a
>> coincidence
>> - I would not expect it to be officially supported, and you shouldn't
>> rely on it.
> Hrrrm... Well I thought I'd be clever and use this little trick one
> time to update my kernel... Anyways I oops out like 3 times in a row
> (last func was <something>.clone in each IIRC) and now I'm stuck with
> only my mobile since my server isn't set up yet and my  SSD just
> failed on my netbook yesterday :-(
> Sooooo, if anyone can help me recover this partition long enough to
> grab a few things... I would be most grateful :-) I think I have
> everything critical, but I'd rather take another look :-) Right now I
> can't mount; mount is failing w/bad superblock.
> /me promises to never recklessly sabotage himself after being warned <
> 6 hrs earlier

any suggestions for me?  i dd'ed the corrupt partition to an external
disk because i need the machine back up and running, but if possible
i'd like to get the image running again.  i mounted it via loopback
and as expected got the same errors:

(will post the dmesg output next message -- left at home)
open_ctree_fd failed....
wanted XXXX found YYYY instead

the mount command itself fails with "bad superblock or ..."

i have seen others withe similar crash reports and IIRC correctly were
able to recover it (seems like something just didn't get updated right
before it locked...)

any ideas?

C Anthony
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