In addition to the questions below, if anyone has a chance could you advise on 
why my destination drive has more data  than the source after this command:
# rsync --hard-links --delete --inplace --archive --numeric-ids /media/disk/* 
sending incremental file list
sent 658660 bytes  received 2433 bytes  1322186.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1355368091626  speedup is 2050192.77

# df /media/disk
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md2             1868468340 1315408384 553059956  71% /media/disk
# df /home
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb             3907029168 1325491836 2581537332  34% /home

On Fri 07 January 2011 10:55:43 Carl Cook wrote:
> Wow, this rsync and backup system is pretty amazing.  I've always just tarred 
> each directory manually, but now find I can RELIABLY automate backups, and 
> have SOLID versioning to boot.  Thanks to everyone who advised, especially 
> Freddie and Anthony.
> I am still waiting for hardware for my backup server, but have been 
> preparing.  On the backup server I'll be doing pull backups for everything 
> except my phone (which is connected intermittently).  I'm going to set up a 
> cron script on the backup server to pull backups once a week (as opposed to 
> once/mo which I've done for 12 years).  I am at a loss how to to lock the 
> database on the HTPC while exporting the dump, as per Lloyd Standish, but 
> will study it.  (Freddie gave a nice script, but it doesn't seem to 
> lock/flush first)  Also don't know how to email results/success/fail on 
> completion, as I've not a very good coder.
> But here is my proposed cron:
> btrfs subvolume snapshot hex:///home /media/backups/snapshots/hex-{DATE}
> rsync --archive --hard-links --delete-during --delete-excluded --inplace 
> --numeric-ids -e ssh --exclude-from=/media/backups/exclude-hex hex:///home 
> /media/backups/hex
> btrfs subvolume snapshot droog:///home /media/backups/snapshots/droog-{DATE}
> rsync --archive --hard-links --delete-during --delete-excluded --inplace 
> --numeric-ids -e ssh --exclude-from=/media/backups/exclude-droog 
> droog:///home /media/backups/droog
> My root filesystems are ext4, so I guess they cannot be snapshotted before 
> backup.  My home directories are/will be BTRFS though.
> On Fri 07 January 2011 08:14:17 Hubert Kario wrote:
> >> I'd suggest at least 
> >> mkfs.btrfs -m raid1 -d raid0 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd
> >> if you really want raid0
> >
> > I don't fully understand -m or -d.  Why would this make a truer raid0 that 
> > with no options?
> I am beginning to suspect that this is the -default- behavior, as described 
> in the wiki:
> "# Create a filesystem across four drives (metadata mirrored, data striped)"
> Should I turn off the writeback cache on each drive when running BTRFS?
> --
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