On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 01:27:43PM -0600, Billy Crook wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:32, Sandra Schlichting
> <littlesandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > According to [0] ZFS does encryption:
> >
> > One exception to this is the encryption support being added to the ZFS
> > filesystem. Filesystem metadata such as filenames, ownership, ACLs,
> > extended attributes are all stored encrypted on disk. The ZFS metadata
> > about the storage pool is still stored in the clear so it is possible
> > to determine how many filesystems (datasets) are available in the pool
> > and even which ones are encrypted but not what the content of the
> > stored files or directories are.
> How is this advantageous over dmcrypt-LUKS?

  For example mixing encrypted and not encrypted subvolumes in one pool.
And not having to separately cryptsetup luksOpen all disks consisting 
  There are advantages of FDE like dm-crypt and selective encryption like in 

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