I've filed this bug under util-linux, because I think wipefs isn't deleting all 
btrfs metadata it could. But ultimately it appears to be a btrfs bug because 
nothing else sees the stale volume.


kernel 3.7.1-2

Brand new 80GB virtual disk, so it's completely zero'd.

1. fdisk to create one partition, all defaults.
2. Format that sda1 with mkfs.btrfs -L first.
3. btrfs fi show displays "first" labeled volume.
4. wipefs -a /dev/sda1 and it finds btrfs metadata, ostensibly removes it.
5. btrfs fi show does NOT show "first" anymore.
6. fdisk /dev/sda again, delete the one partition; create a new partition 500MB 
and a second one for remaining space.
7. btrfs fi show still does not show "first".
8. mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
9. btrfs fi show NOW SHOWS "first" on sda1!
10. Reboot
11. btrfs fi show still shows "first" on sda1, size 80GB.

Tentative conclusions:

A. wipefs isn't deleting all btrfs metadata it could. 

B. mkfs.ext4 is refreshing stale btrfs metadata in a way that causes btrfs fi 
show to see.

C. btrfs fi show seems to blatantly disregard the partition map, because it 
shows a volume the partition map cannot possibly validly support.

D. Nothing else sees this phantom btrfs volume. btrfs fi show seems confused.

Chris Murphy--
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