>>> [root@localhost tmp]# df
>>> Filesystem                 1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
>>> /dev/sda3                    3746816 3193172      1564 100% /mnt/sysimage
>>> /dev/sda1                     495844   31509    438735   7% 
>>> /mnt/sysimage/boot
>>> /dev/sda3                    3746816 3193172      1564 100% 
>>> /mnt/sysimage/home
>>> So there's 1.5M of free space left according to conventional df. However:
>>> [root@localhost tmp]# btrfs fi show
>>> Label: 'fedora_f18v'  uuid: 0c9b2b62-5ec1-4610-ab2f-9f00c909428a
>>>        Total devices 1 FS bytes used 2.87GB
>>>        devid    1 size 3.57GB used 3.57GB path /dev/sda3
>>> [root@localhost tmp]# btrfs fi df /mnt/sysimage
>>> Data: total=2.69GB, used=2.69GB
>>> System, DUP: total=8.00MB, used=4.00KB
>>> System: total=4.00MB, used=0.00
>>> Metadata, DUP: total=438.94MB, used=183.36MB
>>> Metadata: total=8.00MB, used=0.00

> So if I assume 2.7GiB for data, and add up the left side of fi df I get 
> 3224MB rounded up, which is neither 3.57GB or 3.57GiB. I'm missing 346MB at 
> least. That is what I should have said from the outset.

2.69 + (438.94 / 1000 *2) + (8.0 / 1000 / 1000 *2) + (4.0 / 1000 /
1000) + (8.0 / 1000 / 1000 *2)

Looks like 3.57GB to me :p

> So is the Metadta DUP Total 438.94MB allocated value actually twice that, but 
> only 438.94MB is displayed because that's what's available (since the 
> metadata is duplicated)?

The capacity of the metadata group is 438.94; the actual size on disk
is twice that.

>> Note that the -M option to mkfs.btrfs is intended for this use-case:
>> filesystems where the size of a block allocation is large compared to
>> the size of the filesystem.  It should let you squeeze out most of the
>> rest of that 400MB (200MB, DUP).
> Is there a simple rule of thumb an installer could use to know when to use 
> -M? I know mkfs.btrfs will do this for smaller filesystems than this. I'm 
> thinking this is a testing edge case that a desktop installer shouldn't be 
> concerned about, but rather should just gracefully fail from, or better yet, 
> insist on a larger install destination than this in particular when Btrfs.

I tend to go with "any filesystem smaller than 32GB", but a more
accurate rule is probably along the lines of "any filesystem that you
expect to normally run within half a gb of full".
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