On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:28:36AM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> But you might well be the first report where the devs have good access to 
> enough detail to actually trace down the problem.
> > I'll wait until tomorrow night to see if the devs want anything else out
> > of it, but otherwise I'll wipe it and start over.
> Given that our exchange happened over the weekend and "tomorrow" is 
> Monday, I'd consider waiting until Tuesday nite if possible, just to be 
> sure.  Because Monday is of course back to work day, and it's possible if 
> there's something urgent (or if they're taking a long weekend for some 
> reason), they won't get fully caught up from the weekend until Tuesday.  

So it seems that no one is interested in that filesystem.

I probably won't have time to wipe and rebuild it until this weekend, so
I'll see how it works after a rebuild.
Hopefully I won't hit the same problems again.

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