On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 06:30:31PM +0200, Brendan Hide wrote:
> Hi, Marc. Inline below. :)
> On 2014/05/06 02:19 PM, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> >On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 07:07:29PM +0200, Brendan Hide wrote:
> >>"In the case above, because the filesystem is only 55% full, I can
> >>ask balance to rewrite all chunks that are more than 55% full:
> >>
> >>legolas:~# btrfs balance start -dusage=50 /mnt/btrfs_pool1"
> >>
> >>"-dusage=50" will balance all chunks that are 50% *or less* used,
> >Sorry, I actually meant to write 55 there.
> >
> >>not more. The idea is that full chunks are better left alone while
> >>emptyish chunks are bundled together to make new full chunks,
> >>leaving big open areas for new chunks. Your process is good however
> >>- just the explanation that needs the tweak. :)
> >Mmmh, so if I'm 55% full, should I actually use -dusage=45 or 55?
> As usual, it depends on what end-result you want. Paranoid rebalancing -
> always ensuring there are as many free chunks as possible - is totally
> unnecessary. There may be more good reasons to rebalance - but I'm only
> aware of two: a) to avoid ENOSPC due to running out of free chunks; and b)
> to change allocation type.

   c) its original reason: to redistribute the data on the FS, for
   example in the case of a new device being added or removed.

> If you want all chunks either full or empty (except for that last chunk
> which will be somewhere inbetween), -dusage=55 will get you 99% there.
> >>In your last example, a full rebalance is not necessary. If you want
> >>to clear all unnecessary chunks you can run the balance with
> >>-dusage=80 (636GB/800GB~=79%). That will cause a rebalance only of
> >>the data chunks that are 80% and less used, which would by necessity
> >>get about ~160GB worth chunks back out of data and available for
> >>re-use.
> >So in my case when I hit that case, I had to use dusage=0 to recover.
> >Anything above that just didn't work.
> I suspect when using more than zero the first chunk it wanted to balance
> wasn't empty - and it had nowhere to put it. Then when you did dusage=0, it
> didn't need a destination for the data. That is actually an interesting
> workaround for that case.

   I've actually looked into implementing a "smallest=n" filter that
would taken only the n least-full chunks (by fraction) and balance
those. However, it's not entirely trivial to do efficiently with the
current filtering code.


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
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