On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 06:56:29PM +0800, Liu Bo wrote:
> "xxHash is an extremely fast non-cryptographic Hash algorithm, working at 
> speeds
> close to RAM limits."[1]  And xxhash is 32-bits hash, same as crc32.
> Here is the hash comparsion extracted from the link[1]:
> (single thread, Windows Seven 32 bits, using Open Source's SMHasher on a Core 
> 2
> Duo @3GHz)
> --------------------------------------------
> Name            Speed       Q.Score   Author
> xxHash          5.4 GB/s     10
> CRC32           0.43 GB/s     9
> --------------------------------------------

  Core 2 Duo is awfully old CPU. Since 2008, Intel CPUs have crc32 instruction,
hugely speeding up CRC operations.

Tomasz Torcz                 "God, root, what's the difference?"
xmpp: zdzich...@chrome.pl         "God is more forgiving."

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