On Thu, Oct 02, 2014 at 12:05:39AM -0500, Justin Brown wrote:
> I'm experimenting with btrfs-send. Previously (2014-09-26), I did my
> first btrfs-send on a subvol, and that worked fine. Today, I tried to
> send a new snapshot. Unfortunately, I realized part way through that I
> forgot to specify the parent to only send a delta, and killed the send
> with ^C.
> On the destination, I'm left with:
> ~$ sudo btrfs subvol list /var/media/backups/venus/home/
> ID 2820 gen 57717 top level 5 path media
> ID 2821 gen 57402 top level 5 path ovirt
> ID 4169 gen 57703 top level 2820 path media/backups/venus/home
> ID 4170 gen 57575 top level 4169 path home-2014-09-26
> ID 4243 gen 57707 top level 4169 path home-2014-10-01
> Home-2014-10-01 was the partial send that was cancelled. I figured
> that I could delete this partial subvol and try again.
> ~$ sudo btrfs subvol del home-2014-10-01
> Transaction commit: none (default)
> ERROR: error accessing 'home-2014-10-01'

   If you're not doing this from /var/media/backups/venus/home/ it
won't succeed. You need to specify (either via a relative path or an
absolute one) where the subvol is, not just what its name is.

   (Consider what happens if you have two filesystems, each with a
home-2014-09-26 subvol.)


> Obviously, trying to delete the subvol directory fails too:
> ~$ sudo rm -rf /var/media/backups/venus/home/home-2014-10-01/
> rm: cannot remove ‘/var/media/backups/venus/home/home-2014-10-01/’:
> Operation not permitted
> Is there anyway to delete this partial subvol?
> Thanks,
> Justin

=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
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