On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 02:41:17PM -0400, Vincent Olivier wrote:
> Hi,
> (Sorry if this gets sent twice : one of my mail relay is misbehaving today)
> 50% of the time when booting, the system go in safe mode because my 12x 4TB 
> RAID10 btrfs is taking too long to mount from fstab.
> When I comment it out from fstab and mount it manually, it’s all good.
> I don’t like that. Is there a way to increase the timer or something ?

  man systemd.mount, search for ”x-systemd.device-timeout=”.

  But maybe that's a hint for developers, long mount time for btrfs are
quite common – it would be cool if it could be reduced.

Tomasz Torcz            There exists no separation between gods and men:
xmpp: zdzich...@chrome.pl   one blends softly casual into the other.

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