
I got some problems loading the modules for my Fujitsu DVB-s card. I get
those long "unresolved symbols" list I have seen in previous posts, but
I never saw a solution to this. The facts:
kernel 2.4.18 (after trying 2.4.19 and finding that it's not working yet
with the driver)
driver 0.9.4
kernel sources are in /usr/src/linux, I2C support is on (as module) as
is videodev.

Nonetheless I get
insmod: i2c-core: no module by that name found
insmod: videodev: no module by that name found

what I find strange, is the message that I get on compile and on insmod,
and I've seen the same in other posts:
/usr/src/linux/scripts/pathdown.sh: TOPDIR: parameter null or not set

this indicates to me that the make scripts has a problem with the linux
src path (which would explain the "missing" i2c messages).

Just for fun I ran a "make install", and guess what, the modules were
copied to /lib/modules/misc instead of /lib/modules/2.4.18/misc. Another
"path-problem" indication I'd guess.
the output of the install call looks like this:
`saa7146_v4l.o' -> `/lib/modules//misc/saa7146_v4l.o'

that would tell me, that the $CURRENT variable from the makefile isn't
set correctly.

So far im stuck no with my Windows XP on my first partition where my DVB
card works at least ;)


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