Terry Hardie writes:
 > On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Brian Foddy wrote:
 > > I know this isn't exactly on the list topic, but your list is the closest I
 > > can find.
 > >
 > > Does anyone know of any projects, card makers, reverse engineering,
 > > etc to get an HDTV tuner card working in Linux?  I've done a lot of
 > > searching and can't find anything.
 > >
 > > I see 3 popular card makers (Hipix, Access DTV, Hauppauge) seem
 > > to make HDTV tuner cards, but no Linux drivers.  I can't even
 > > find anyone talking about the subject.  I know this is a relatively
 > > new subject, but I'd link I could find some discussions on it.
 > >
 > > Long-term, I want to get HDTV timeshifting.
 > Has anyone here looked at the twinhan boards? (www.twinhan.com). They're
 > only around $100, and basically do DVB demodulation. Video playback would
 > be in software. I've heard rumors that with this board is possible to do
 > 4:2:2 video and HDTV. They have a full linux SDK right on their website...

I don't think they have cards with ATSC tuners/demodulators (yet?).

For cheap DVB software decoding rather use another card (KNC, Lifeview,
Hauppauge/Technotrend Nova, etc.). Some of them at least support Linux
development by supplying information about their products.
They also do not just "borrow" code from bttv to use it in a
proprietary closed source Linux SDK.


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