On  3 Dec, Clyde Stubbs wrote:
>  On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm, I've gotten into trouble after applying the latest patch I could
> > find - 2.4.23-pre7 - to the released 2.4.23 kernel.  I've just mailed
> > off to Gerd Knorr and will wait to see if he has any advice.
>  I used a 2.4.22 kernel and that worked fine.
> > I don't suppose you can recall, even vaguely, what the script or
> > command was called?
>  I located it: DVB/driver/makedev.napi
>  Read the INSTALL file in the DVB directory - but beware that it 
>  is out of date. It contains info that is NOT in the READMEs in
>  the dvb-kernel tree.

D'oh!  I missed that paragraph about makdev.napi entirely.  Maybe I
shouldn't be trying this while at home sick.  I've made some pretty
amazingly stupid mistakes (mostly, off the computer), these last few

What the INSTALL file doesn't say is that you need to apply patches to
change the V4L to V4L2, at least for the Nebula DigiTV card, IIRC. 
I'm hoping that may be my final obstacle (kernel modules won't now
compile, after applying the patch).

Meanwhile, with the current kernel, I have manually rmmod some of the
unused drivers, though running the dvb-nebula stop/start script had
trouble with some modules:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dvtv]# ./dvb-nebula stop
Removing DVB modules from kernelrmmod: module dvb-bt8xx is not loaded
rmmod: module bt878 is not loaded
dvb-core: Device or resource busy
rmmod: module tuner is not loaded
rmmod: module bttv is not loaded
videodev: Device or resource busy
video-buf: Device or resource busy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dvtv]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
dvb-ttusb-budget       24212   0  (unused)
ttpci-eeprom            2792   0 
saa7146_vv             40496   0 
saa7146                14296   0  [saa7146_vv]
input                   5184   0 
videodev                7872   0  [saa7146_vv]
video-buf              16384   0  [saa7146_vv]
v4l2-common             3872   0  [saa7146_vv]
v4l1-compat            13472   0  [saa7146_vv]
dvb-core               52516   0  [dvb-ttusb-budget]
es1371                 28000   0  (autoclean)
ac97_codec             14944   0  (autoclean) [es1371]
soundcore               5604   4  (autoclean) [es1371]
nfsd                   75520   8  (autoclean)
parport_pc             21480   1  (autoclean)
lp                      7744   0  (autoclean)
parport                30816   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
autofs                 11076   0  (autoclean) (unused)
nfs                    72284   2  (autoclean)
lockd                  55232   1  (autoclean) [nfsd nfs]
sunrpc                 75380   1  (autoclean) [nfsd nfs lockd]
8139too                13856   1 
mii                     3460   0  [8139too]
ne2k-pci                5728   0  (unused)
8390                    7848   0  [ne2k-pci]
crc32                   3592   0  [8139too 8390]
ipchains               46888  13 
nls_iso8859-1           3488   2  (autoclean)
nls_cp437               5120   2  (autoclean)
vfat                   11580   2  (autoclean)
fat                    35128   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
usb-uhci               24452   0  (unused)
usbcore                70144   1  [dvb-ttusb-budget usb-uhci]

Er, I just tried the dvb-nebula start script and got a somewhat unhappy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dvtv]# ./dvb-nebula start
Inserting DVB modules into kernel
../dvb-nebula: line 41: 24175 Segmentation fault      modprobe bttv

It's extremely impressive that Linux doesn't crash or panic when a
module crashes.  I guess I've gotten the system into such a confused
state now that I was asking for that.  I'll reboot and start again from
a known good state.

> > Thanks.  Um, what's Myth?  The end-user application for tuning or
> > viewing the TV?
>  Doh! MythTV - isn't that the whole point of all this??
>  www.mythtv.org

Wow!  I had assumed I'd be using xine or vdr or something.  Looks
beautiful - thanks!  (I *did* admit I was new to this whole area.)


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