Michal Dobrzynski wrote:
> Under Windows I was using MultiDec to view the following channel and it
> was not scrambled (I do not have a CI module or CA so there would have
> been no way to descramble it):
> TVSN:12478:h:S156.0E:27800:1081:1082:0:1:3008:0:0:0
> This is the TV Shopping Network (it's not that I want to watch it but
> it's a channel I can using for testing as it's not scrambled).. or is
> it?
> When scanning under Linux this channel was listed as scrambled. I also
> could not view it under VDR (though there were a couple of other
> unscrambled but even less useful channels which it could view).
> Any ideas of what might cause that?

Have you tried the VDR 1.3.0 developer version?
This one includes automatic PID and CA setting.
You also might want to set the Ca parameter to '0',
as in


VDR 1.3.0 will then automatically fill in any CA system
ids automatically.


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