Niklas Peinecke wrote:
> ...
> I agree with Holger. Of course it's better to have a release suitable
> for 2.6, but it will take some more time until 2.6 kernels are really
> common: Most people have working vdr-boxes based on existing 2.4 kernels
> and they just like to use some e-bayed cheap skystar2 as a third card.
> I'm sure they won't like to upgrade their kernels for that. It will also
> take some time until 2.6 is established in dists like LinVDR, thus we
> need a release as a bridge until then.

I haven't used dvb-kernel yet and also have no 2.6 machine, but
just wanted to drop in my 2 cents: IIRC there was a discussion
a while ago about dvb-kernel being considerably slower in channel
switching than the DVB driver (presumably because of different
I2C handling). Is this still the case (or was it never the case)?

If dvb-kernel switches channels slower than DVB, I guess this would be
a "no-go" criteria for many people.

As I said, just my 2ct, w/o personal experience with either dvb-kernel
or kernel 2.6.


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