Helmut Auer wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> >>>diseqc.conf
> >>>S19.2E  11700 V  9750  t v W15 [E0 10 38 F0] W15 A W15 t S19.2E  99999 V
> >>>...
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> >>>It seems to be that switching to vertical position kills everything.
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >Maybe timing has changed slightly (for whatever reason).
> >Try to optimize your DiSEqC setup. This might speed-up tuning:
> >
> >full DiSEqC sequence:
> >S19.2E  11700 V  9750  [E0 10 38 F0] [E1 10 38 F0] [E1 10 38 F0]
> >S19.2E  99999 V 10600  [E0 10 38 F1] [E1 10 38 F1] [E1 10 38 F1]
> >S19.2E  11700 H  9750  [E0 10 38 F2] [E1 10 38 F2] [E1 10 38 F2]
> >S19.2E  99999 H 10600  [E0 10 38 F3] [E1 10 38 F3] [E1 10 38 F3]
> >
> >I'm using this setup for a long time now (vdr 1.1.x).
> >It works perfectly.
> >
> >
> After switchin to vdr 1.1.x I tried a lot of diseqc settings, and the
> one I posted was working best.
> Now with dvb drivers 1.1.x  it works sometimes, but when switching
> polarisation  it doesn't work most times.
> I also tried your diseqc setiings, but with these I can't switch to any
> channel !
> --
> Helmut Auer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can confirm this.
Yesterday I have set up a new machine with SuSE 8.2 (kernel 2.4.20)
and a Siemens DVB-S rev 1.3 card. Driver is the dvb-kernel version
from yesterday's CVS.

In case it matters, here's the list of modules that are loaded:

Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
dvb-ttpci             282964   4 
ttpci-eeprom            1296   0  [dvb-ttpci]
saa7146_vv             34780   0  [dvb-ttpci]
saa7146                10464   0  [dvb-ttpci saa7146_vv]
mt312                   4556   0 
cx24110                 5476   0 
grundig_29504-491       3108   0 
grundig_29504-401       3852   0 
tda1004x               10832   0 
ves1820                 4512   0 
stv0299                 9164   0  (unused)
alps_tdmb7              3592   0 
alps_tdlb7              5176   0 
ves1x93                 4496   1 
dvb-core               38792  14  [dvb-ttpci mt312 cx24110 grundig_29504-491 
grundig_29504-401 tda1004x ves1820 stv0299 alps_tdmb7 alps_tdlb7 ves1x93]
video-buf              10420   0  [saa7146_vv]
v4l2-common             2880   0  [saa7146_vv]
v4l1-compat            12680   0  [saa7146_vv]
videodev                5600   1  [saa7146_vv]
evdev                   4032   0  (unused)
input                   3104   0  [dvb-ttpci evdev]
ipv6                  134516  -1  (autoclean)
af_packet              12392   1  (autoclean)
8139too                14696   1 
mii                     2304   0  [8139too]
ext3                   77288   1 
jbd                    45584   1  [ext3]

I have inserted a DiSEqC tester into the sat cable and can see that
when switching polarization it doesn't send the correct DiSEqC commands,
because the tester still displays the previous polarization. Sometimes
the switching does work, sometimes not. There are even cases where
some of the other LEDs on the tester light up, like "Reply OK", which,
I believe, indicates that the DiSEqC sequence actually sent is broken
in some way.

I am using the exact same diseqc.conf with VDR 1.3.5 as I do on my
other machine with the DVB driver on SuSE 7.3, kernel 2.4.10.
When I switch to not using DiSEqC (just 14/18V, 22kHz) everything
works just fine.

So, in order to use the latest dvb-kernel driver in a DiSEqC environment,
something needs to be fixed here.


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