Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Andrew de Quincey wrote:
> > >
> > > I get you, its the 'v'. Previously the driver was turning voltage on when it
> > > started up, so power was being supplied, whereas now by default leaves it
> > > off.
> >
> > So this means VDR should turn the voltage _on_ upon startup, right?
> > I don't think having to do this via the DiSEqC configuration is the
> > way to go...
> Hm, it's been a while since I read the DiSEqC spec, but IIRC
> the sequence is:
> - turn off 22KHz
> - set voltage to 13V or 18V
> - send DiSEqC sequence
> - if necessary turn on 22KHz
> It doesn't make much sense to remove the power from the LNB
> while sending the DiSEqC sequence, but luckily vdr doesn't
> seem to do that ;-)  So, I guess that 'v' is a no-op.

'v'  means voltage low (13V)
'V'  means voltage high (18V)

So if there was no voltage before, 'v' will turn on the "low voltage".

> There are some mandatory delays before and after sending
> the DiSEqC sequence. The Nokia API rolled all that in a simple
> and convenient ioctl which would allow the driver to do
> all the timing (so that applications cannot fuck up), but Holger
> removed it.

Why did he do that? Doesn't make any sense to me...?!

Any chance we'll get that back - or do we have to live with the
fact that Holger has "f*cked up" the DiSEqC handling?


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