Andrew de Quincey wrote:
> On Saturday 20 March 2004 15:26, Andrew de Quincey wrote:
> > Incidentally, even though the firmwares used by 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 have the
> > same version number, they are _not_ the same.
> >
> > 1.0.0 had two seperate files, Dpram and Root
> > 1.1.0 has a combined file, dvb-ttpci-01.fw
> Actually maybe I have a slightly newer dvb-ttpci-01.fw; no idea how old the
> one I have is. Can you send me the version you said had the same version
> number so I can check it?

I believe the file now
contains the latest firmware version (the previous file was not gzipped).


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