
> The problem isn't the sleep itself, the problem is that in the CVS code
> (at least), the FE_GET_TUNE_SETTINGS internal IOCTL falls through and puts

Shit, the classical "switch"-problem :(. Thanks for hunting that bug.

> The patch also stops the frontend thread from hunting around for a signal
> - the MT352 chip has a good capture range and shouldn't really need it.
> Wolfram, is there any particular reason you think we want that enabled?

No, I just didn't change it.

> In any case, the chip can take >0.5s to re-acquire all parameters so the
> 50ms min_delay there is a little short...

You're right. I can't do many tuning tests because I can only receive one 
channel here. That's why I left these code-parts/parameters untouched.

I think if no one else needs frequency-hunting the patch should be commited to 
the cvs.


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