-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:49:52 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: [linux-dvb] Re: Critical points about kernel 2.6.21 and 

> On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Uwe Bugla wrote:
> > 
> > So please Linus - rip that crap out of 2.6.21-git2. And if you do see
> questions what parts you need to rip out, please feel free to ask me....
> > 
> Uwe. I'll say this ONCE more.
> No.

Sorry! Sigh! Very utmost bad decision, but I must respect it.
The accumulative principle is the opposite of effectiveness.
Even if you do not understand the dvb issues in git2 (well I cannot expect 
this, can I?), you push

a. immature code
b. a regression

Isn't it a pity that the "maintainer" title has more influence than any kind of
common sense, reason or sophisticated argumentation?
What a horrible thought!

P. S.: In former kernel releases the specific last release candidate was almost 
identical to the official kernel release.

Not only I have largest problems to understand why this wonderful principle has 
been broken, with the effect, that the so-called "stable" kernel releases are 
unusable in the end.
2.6.20, 2.6.21, 2.6.19, and may be former ones that I do not know about.

A "Final" release should be "round", but never in this life highly incomplete, 
shouldn't it??

> And unless you can become politer and more respectful and stop ranting all
> the time, you'll be in the very rare situation of hitting my auto-filters 
> and going into an email mbox of your own (read: one that I read in my 
> copious spare time. Hint: I don't _have_ any.)
>               Linus

Poor Linus!
I have got thousands of good reasons to be so rude towards some people. And I 
certainly know the smart polite way of the game too. I know both ways of 
dealing with. But if someone continues to nerve me for such a long time 
(whoever the specified person may be) I get out the big stick and then there 
will be bambule pure!

Excuse me, you are only finnish origin: "Bambule" is an invention of Ulrike 
Meinhof and other 68ers and stands for "revolt" or something similar.

Wasn't it you yourself stating that if one wants changes it is not always 
useful to be polite??

"If you want to change something, it's not fine to be entirely polite all the 

(Linus Torvalds, March 6, 2007, 09:57:34, public Email).

Happy reflection, Mister Torvalds!


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