On 08/01/2007 01:12:59 PM, Markus Rechberger wrote:
On 8/1/07, Manu Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> On 8/1/07, manu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nothing can excuse hatred messages as I said I do believe that,
> > especially when we talk about "communities" in free/open source,
> > should behave as such, that does not include racist/xenophobic
> > behaviours.
> > To be honest I dont think it is worth talking one more minutes
> > this, it is a waste of time.
> Unfortunately, we have been infested with professional trolls.
> We can't help much in such a case, the only thing what we can do is
> ignore them. Basically trolls are people who find it hard to mix in
> their surroundings and or community and hence they do not have
> anything else to do and hence find more interest in
> others.
> My request is that all you folks just ignore the trolls, once they
> found to be trolls, ignore them completely in all senses. Sometimes,
> they throw in small technical pieces, such as to attract as bait,
> it would be up to the users not to take the bait.

I would say there's a deeper reason behind everything. People don't
come up with nonsense if there's no reason for.. that for signing up
and writing annoying things takes just too much time for most people
(well there's one known exception).

It's the internal problems this project has which reflects to the
outside world.
You, I and several others are also part of that problem, and at least
to me it seems to be unsolvable the way it is at the moment. If you
remember the words you've written a few weeks ago that you'll never
ask Mauro to pull your code, but you fight for your code which you
have committed earlier to the v4l-dvb project and don't accept patches
which have been written by others (eg. Trent).
Either you're overloaded with what you're doing or just try to take
care that everything you ever touched belongs to you and noone has
access to it .. I don't know.

Well for reading this list out of curiosity for a while (also I have a TT S-1500 CI that I plan to use soon ;-) I for sure am surprised by the amount of "noise" surrounding actual coding discussion. I have participated in another free software project and things were much smoother. I understand that some people will just not get along, but things sound really nasty sometimes here. And to be direct: what are the solutions that you can come up with to improve patch handling? As as user (and hopefully in a near future tester/coder) I would like to at least see this project moving forward even if love is not pouring from everywhere on the ML ;-)

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