> It has the same bug already present in the old hvr4000 repo regarding
> diseqc : diseqc don't work. Or at least not with all kernels and all
> reop revision.

yes, I have the same promlem with diseqs on my hvr4000 and drivers from 

I'm ready to investigate this diseqs-problem with my digital oscillograph, but 
is there any methodic for this ?
is there any software for sending diseqc-command ? the utility "diseqs" from 
v4l-dvb test direcory didn't work with hvr4000. 

> BUT with it I was able to use the DVB-s2 VDR with my HVR-4000 on the
> first sat of my diseqc (Hotbird 13E).
> I am ready to do any usefull testing !!!

I'm so. :)


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