Artem Makhutov wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 05:52:39PM +0400, Manu Abraham wrote:
>> Artem Makhutov wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 02:18:52AM +0400, Manu Abraham wrote:
>>>> Also, can you please do a benchmark in lock timings between changeset 
>>>> 7205 and 7200 ?
>>> Do you mean changeset 7200 or 7204
>> yep. 7205 is head, but just a minor change.
> I did the benchmark betweet 7205 and 7204.
> The modules were loaded with no additional parameters.
> Tuning time in 7204: ~0.83 seconds (min 0.81191 sec ; max 2.428967 sec)
> Tuning time in 7205: ~0.26 seconds (min 0.24789 sec ; max 1.994216 sec)

Can you test the time between 7200 and 7204/7205.
(7201 - 7204 contains an optimization, compared to 7200 and hence
the need to check the results. So need to exclude 7201 and 7204)


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