In case anyone cares:

> But maybe I'm not the first person thinking about this problem 
> and someone else has better ideas or even a working solution.
As no-one replied, I went for
> I could build my own scheme for that.

It's now a shell script to be run in scripts/FAIBASE after 50-fcopy (because it 
parses fcopy.log) with a configuration file at the top of the files directory 
(which never gets fcopy-ed because fcopy is only run on etc, usr etc.) which 
should be self-explanatory:

$initsystem systemd
etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf                icinga2 restart
etc/icinga2/constants.conf              icinga2 restart
etc/icinga2/*                           icinga2 reload
etc/default/icinga2                     icinga2 restart
etc/systemd/system/icinga2.service      icinga2 restart
usr/local/share/icinga2                 icinga2 restart
etc/collectd/*                          collectd        restart

(There's a built-in rule, that, for initsystem systemd, changes in 
etc/systemd/system/* cause a systemd daemon-reload.)

For any given file, first match wins; for a daemon, restart wins over reload.

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