* Michael Prokop <m...@grml.org> [Sun Oct 10, 2010 at 10:48:14PM +0200]:
> * Michael Prokop <m...@grml.org> [Thu Oct 07, 2010 at 11:59:43PM +0200]:

> > And finally we have to verify the hostname<->HOSTNAME issue, see
> > https://lists.uni-koeln.de/pipermail/linux-fai/2010-October/008400.html

> I think I've news regarding this issue.
> Can someone please do me a favour and test the following fix?

> Just disable the 'export NOHOSTS="Yes"' in conf/live.conf
> and drop the NOHOSTS occurences in script make-fai-nfsroot.
> Finally rebuild the initramfs using update-initramfs and this
> should bring hostname=... back then without breaking anything.

> Anyone willing to help us in testing this?

Ok, no one showed up in time, invested further time on my own...

Sadly this is a very annoying situation for us: The reworked
live-initramfs layout of live-boot/live-config (which is the stuff
present in squeeze) breaks assumptions for FAI. As FAI provides its
own /etc/init.d/rcS and doesn't go through normal runlevels
specifying live-config=hostname doesn't help and the (dropped)
NOHOSTS="Yes" isn't considered at all.

Reworking FAI to support old live-initramfs as well as newer
versions requires more effort and unless I can come up with a
solution those days I'll provide 3.4.4 without any changes WRT
hostname<->HOSTNAME handling ASAP.

I'm considering the suggestions by michael log for inclusion into
3.4.4, would be great if anyone else could take a closer look at it
as well.


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