Am 2014-12-05 um 16:40 schrieb Thomas Neumann:
> If you want to know how something os-specific is 
> done then it's _all_ in your config space. There's no more magic going on 
> behind the scene. 
And this will also keep your config space from getting fixes (e.g. if
you suddenly have to start sorting packages yourself[1]). The challenge
is to put as much as possible into the package to keep your adjustments
to the config to a minimum while giving a maximum of freedom.



Dipl.-Ing. Moritz 'Morty' Strübe (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 4 (Verteilte Systeme und Betriebssysteme)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Martensstr. 1
91058 Erlangen

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