I just stumbled over an interesting problem and a solution that might help people trying to use FAI on an Ubuntu Linux server to install Debian Linux clients:

It seems that when using the debootstrap included in Ubuntu (Breezy), the /dev part of the nfsroot is not complete, so there are no entries for harddisks. In general, there are only about 100 entries, while when doing the nfsroot with Debian debootstrap there are around 1500.

So, if you have an error message saying "no disks found" but you are sure there are disks in and supported by the kernel in questions, and you can even see messages about hda in the dmesg output, but a message about /dev/hda missing when sfdisk is called in the FAI install process, you have the same problem like me.

Solution is to install Debian's debootstrap from http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/debootstrap and run make-fai-nfsroot again.

Experienced with Ubuntu Breezy, FAI 2.9, with fai-cd, no network install tested.


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