On Wed, 2022-01-26 at 15:19 -0800, Alvin Cura wrote:
> It would appear that fai-quickstart on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal has default
> config files that are looking for artful (17.10).  I'd love to get
> involved if someone can guide me in how to go about fixing and
> submitting.

ymmv, but even in an ubuntu environment i found it easier to use the
upstream packages and a debian netboot.  it does look like ubuntu has
updated FAI more regularly in their last few releases but the focal
version is from Apr 2017. if you want to use the ubuntu packages i
would suggest a newer version.  it looks like jammy will have the
still-current 5.10.3 release with some ubuntu-specific changes:



andrew bezella <abeze...@archive.org>
internet archive

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