Hi all,

a rather old issue, one that I always only did crappy workarounds for:

How to tell FAI which disks to use for installation?

Currently I have a server with just 4 devices, two of which are supposed to become the target for FAI as a software-raid-1. (At other times I had boxes with a mere 72 devices...)

In a stopped FAI attempt, the "disk_list" variable is just 'sda sdb sdc sdd'. I can check and tell that it should have been sdb and sdd - so I write "disk2" and "disk4" into my setup-storage config.
And of course the next time, the order of disks will be different, and it 
should be disk2 and disk3, or whatever.

In the past, I created a hook, skipping the entire setup-storage business, extracted some identifier, e.g. the Vendor string, using hwinfo or a similar tool, and fed that into a script running parted, mkfs etc.

All very easy to read, very server-specific and non-automatic.

But I wonder if there is'nt a more elegant way that actually uses setup-storage?


Thomas Roth
Department: IT

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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