
I have searched for some times, why my defined evms-failover resource
does not work on any of my heartbeat 2.0.8 nodes (SLES10SP1, x86_64).

I want to use a private evms container to avoid the (noc cluster) file
system to be mounted twice by administrative error.

But the resource was not started on any node. So I checked, what the
re source agent have to do to start an private container resource and
tried to do that by hand using the CLI.

The CLI everytime told me a parameter was wrong (but not any useful
information which parameter). Then I tried to aquire the private
container but used the lower cased hostname (not the hostname sean
running uname -n) and it worked. 

I wrote a small patch for that resource agent and than teh resource
could be started on one cluster side but could not be migrated. The
cluster says "the resource xxx could not run everywhere".

First question: Are you interested in my patch (just 2-3 lines)?
Second: Any idea why I am not able to migrate the private container?
Are there any typical pitfalls?

Best regards
Maxfeldstr. 5, D - 90409 Nürnberg
Phone:  +49 (0)69  - 2174-1923
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