On 2012-07-02T12:05:33, Ulrich Windl <ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

> Unfortunately unless there's a real cluster filesystem that supports 
> mirroring with shared devices also, DRBD on some locally mirrored device on 
> each node seems to be the only alternative. (Talking about desasters)

I've seen very few scenarios where OCFS2 was worth it over just using a
"regular" file system like XFS in a fail-over configuration in this kind
of environment.

(If you need mirroring on top of shared devices / SAN, the way to go is
OCFS2 over cLVM2 mirroring, by the way.)

There *are* good use cases for OCFS2. In my experience, 80% of the
scenarios out there ain't one of those ;-)


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