hi list,

i have a web application running in a very reliable configuration, but
hardware is old (or even inappropiate) and i have the opportunity of a
hardware update so now  i'm starting to see new solutions of high

i dont know if i should keep the current config (which i am very confident)
or switch to a newer approach (virtualization...).

my web app is in php, with postgres database, for a mid range organization.
it has 500 active users, but concurrent users never reach 200. i don't have
hardware requeriments, just the hard is getting old.

my current config is:
- two pcs in failover configuration with heartbeat, and ldirectord doing
load balancing. the master node has two virtual IP, one is the address of
my app in the LAN, and the other is the default gw of my webservers. this
config switches automatically to the slave node if master goes down.
-two hp proliant dl140 g2 webservers, with the web app, which has session
data in database and csync sinchronizing files uploaded by the users in
regular intervals.
-one pc and one proliant dl580 g3 with postgres databases, in a warm
standby configuration. the switching from warm standby to active is done

this scenario is doing it really well, we have no downtime for problems
related to the servers (except when the other dl380 died some time ago),
even when we update the OS (we use debian, but probably switching to ubuntu
in the next upgrade), since we do it going offline one by one.

so my questions are:
- do you find any weakness in my current config?
- switching my config to a virtualized enviroment will give me some major
advantage or improvement?

any links you could provide me with information about high availability
concepts and theory (probability, spof, etc), virtualization options, and
maybe a little feedback about which benefits has virtualization over
"traditional" configurations are very welcome.

thanks in advance!

Roberto Scattini
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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