18.02.2015 11:03, Ulrich Windl wrote:
Lars Marowsky-Bree <l...@suse.com> schrieb am 16.02.2015 um 12:34 in
On 2015-02-16T09:20:22, Kristoffer Grönlund <kgronl...@suse.com> wrote:

Actually, I decided that it does make sense to return 0 as the error
code even if the resource to delete doesn't exist, so I pushed a commit
to change this. The error message is still printed, though.

I'm not sure I agree, for once.

Idempotency is for resource agent operations, not necessarily all
operations everywhere. Especially because crmsh doesn't know whether the
object doesn't exist because it was deleted, or because it was

So far I was assuming we are talking about "stopping a stopped resource", not
"stopping a non-existing resource". I thought that crm shell would clearly
distinguish between those. The latter should be an error, of course.

That is my fault, I should be starting the new thread, but I thought that issue with deleting non-existent object is really very minor.


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