On Sun, 2005-08-28 at 21:08 +0400, Yuri Kirsanov wrote:
> As you can see, only one hard drive is connected to my TX4000, and
> because I disabled sata check I get abnormal status on another ports.
> But my hard drive works just fine! I'm looking forward to attach
> another hard drive and create RAID in TX4000 BIOS. I wonder, will
> sata_promise detect two disks on two ports, or just one thru BIOS?

As mentioned before, don't use the promise softraid, you're much better
of using the linux kernel raid implementation. Yes I know you need to
configure "something" in the bios to make it continue booting ;-) I
suggest making all your harddisks a stripe.

Strange nobody answers your TX4000 mails. I could only explain that by
the topic having been discussed over and over, but that doesn't seem to
be the case (at least not in the last month).

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