Hi Sara,
I heard a rumor, that Cellcom contract with ICQ has ended and Cellcom didn't
renew their contract while Pelephone and Orange did. Again, it's just a
rumor I heard from someone.

I tried sending SMS using pidgin to my sister (she's a cellcom customer).
She didn't get the SMS.


2009/12/31 sara fink <sara.f...@gmail.com>

> I created a new account and tried to send again to cellcom numbers (from
> windows) and it failed with the same error. Can someone confirm it happens
> the same in linux?
> Can someone call cellcom and ask what happened?
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 1:59 PM, sara fink <sara.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried today to send sms to cellcom via icq (done in this case from a
>> windows machine) and it said
>> *SMS in Israel can only be sent to Orange and Pelephone.For more details
>> see* http://www.icq.com/sms
>> It worked until yesterday just fine.
>> I haven't tried with linux yet, because I am not near the computer with
>> the vicq script.
>> Can anyone confirm if the problem persists in linux and/or windows?
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