I've just installed RH 6 (for cheapbytes). It seem that it is working much
slower then
the previous 5.2 (of course KDE is slower, but also GNOME).
 There are two changes from previous configuration -
1. I have an ISA AHA152x SCSI card + SCSI CDR. Previously the CDR what
identified as
    a SCSI disk. Now it detect a RAID (!) array - can it be fixed ? Does it
become a problem ?
2. I've added another hard disk. The / partition in the one of them, and the
/usr in the other -
    can it be that whenever I start some application, say file manager, the
system goes to the
    primary disk and then follow the mounting the the secondary ? Can it
(inode table ?) be
    cached to speed up things ?

  Thank you

[EMAIL PROTECTED]             04 831 5605

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
                -- Albert Einstein

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