Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
> "Muli B.Y." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have written a small utility, ifup, which will tell you if any network
> > interface is up or down (connected or disconnected).
> Can you explain what it does? I mean, is it a wrapper around ifconfig(8)
> or netstat(8) or something of the kind? Why is it preferable?

It is not a wrapper, it does not depend upon ifconfig. It does use the
same techniques ifconfig (or netstat) use. I wrote if for inclusion with
the licq (http://www.licq.org) icq clone, in order for licq to
automatically detect when you go online/ offline, and go online/ offline

> > Now,  what I really need is a way to get a notification when an
> > interface changes its status. Is there any way to do this under
> > linux?
> I suppose there is more than one way to do it under Linux.

I certainly hope so. I can think of a rather elegant way to do this
under windows, and it would pain me to no end if linux proved less
elegant... ;)

> > (Of course I can sleep() and continually check the interface's
> > status,
> Yes, you can. You can also use cron.

The minimal time resolution I'm talking about here is less than a
second, and the optimal is instantaneous. That is why cron is not an
option, and sleep() I don't like.

> > but I dislike this approach- can you hear you cpu roasting? :))
> No.

int main()
        while (1)
        return 0;

Run this and talk to me in a couple of hours/ days/ months. 

Note: while the sleep() solution would work, and cpus don't roast that
quickly, it is not ELEGANT. There must be a better solution!
> --
> Oleg Goldshmidt | BLOOMBERG L.P. (BFM) | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "... We work by wit, and not by witchcraft;
>  And wit depends on dilatory time." - W. Shakespeare.

Muli B.Y.

linux/reboot.h: #define LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1 0xfee1dead

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