On Wed, Oct 04, 2000, Mevorach, Assaf wrote about "RE: Why penguin?":
> sorry to disappoint you but that's the explanation 
> you can see it all over:
> http://gate.crashing.org/penguin.html
> http://www.penguinpower.com/PenguinPower/whyapenguin
> http://www.stones.demon.co.uk/why-penguin.html
> http://andromeda.campbellsvil.edu/~don/ascue/penguin.html
> http://www.viererbande.net/Tim/wpeng.html
> need more?

No I don't need more :) I was just saying that the original page you posted
is nothing more than a geeky "bdichat keresh" saying why the penguin is
fat and sitting down (did he just eat or get laid? read the page ;)), but
doesn't explain one iota on why or in what context the penguin was orignally

Most of the pages you now quote have the same text, except 
Which has a more meaningful explanation. According to this explanation, when
Linus wanted a mascot for Linux (if I remember correctly, for Linux 2.0 -
the 1.* kernels had a different logo), he wanted a penguin because he liked
that animal and thought that it was "fun". I believe that all the explanations
on how the penguin should be fat, sitting down, content, and so on are just
jokes written after the actual picture was chosen in a competition.
http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/ (the homepage of the guy who designed
the penguin logo) says "Here are the results of an idea acquired from
discussions on the linux-kernel mailing list, and an initial suggestion by
Alan Cox. ". It doesn't say "Here is the fat, well-fed, sitting-down penguin
as suggested by Linus.". You can see in
older logo suggestions by the same guy - not all of them are fat or sitting
down. One of them is an angry boxer :) You can also see other logos people
designed for the same competition, in
Many of them weren't even penguins! I even see there the Linux Shark I
remembered from the 0.99 version of the kernel...

Nadav Har'El                        |     Wednesday, Oct 4 2000, 5 Tishri 5761
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |I couldn't think of an insteresting
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |signature to put here... Maybe next time.

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