On Mon, 25 Dec 2000, System1 wrote:

> the first step is using udp sniffer.
> after that you have tools you can find on the webto preform scans in the
> network of the victim.
> you must have direct connection to the user for that. (I think its ICQ
> default).

Is that correct?

Then you can make sure there is no direct connection (and thus all illegal
requsts are filtered out)

Is your connection a masqurading one? If so: disable any socks proxy, and
the icq client can'y listen on a port (it can still rercieve messages from
the server, and can still send files, but not recive files).

If not: I figure you need an icq proxy for that. I know one is availble
from mirabilis, but considering that: (a) it costs money and (b) they are
the ones who wrote that client, so would you trust them, I'm not so sure
this is the proxy you would choose.

Is there any alternative proxy?

Tzafrir Cohen

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