Moshe Zadka wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Alon Oz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1 problem though, by using firewall piercing techniques you probably
> > violate your contract with the company.
> And what part of "I'm an advocate of company policy/polite request rather
> then technical solutions" did I fail to make clear?

As someone who was a sysadmin for a while, I can tell you that users
usually won't stop using ICQ/any other program if you "ask them nicely".
Even if the CEO does. Seen any company that the users don't hold mp3s
on their computers? It's illegal in the US and most startups are
registered in the US.
So you can see why the technical solution _plus_ a request(read:
is a better solution.

Alon Oz,
Aduva Research Team,

A proud member in the Evil Linux cyberterrorist hackers (ELCH) 
A who can launch Denial of Service attacks against the embedded devices
in your 6-slice toaster with advanced pingflood Open Source classified
exploit codes hidden inside strongly encrypted Russian mafia pornography
that innocent American children download from online gambling web sites 
located in the Northern Mariana Islands

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