On Sun, Aug 04, 2002, Ehud Karni wrote about "Re: timezone":
> On 04 Aug 2002 19:36:12 +0300, Erez Doron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > thanks for the code. is it GPL'D ? (may i use it).
> > anyway, python's time.timezone returns -7200 while this code returns
> > +10800 ( -2 hours relative to +3 hours )
> > 
> > why is that ?
> That's because my code take the DST (daylight saving time) into the
> offset automatically (I commented about it in my original post).

This would not explain the 5 hour difference... I assume that the python
code you describe is some sort of crap that gets the DST wrong and reverses
the sign...

+3 is correct in Israel today. Try "date +%z" to see your correct offset.

Nadav Har'El                        |           Sunday, Aug 4 2002, 27 Av 5762
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |the nothingness still shows through.

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