On Sat, Aug 10, 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote about "Re: White spaces in URLs.":
> > Since the standards define 'url encoding' (don't remember the precise
> > term or standard right now, sorry), I doubt it.
> >
> > IIRC, spaces in URLs are encoded as %20.
> Or as plus signs (+).

If I remember correctly (and please correct me if I'm wrong because I also
don't have the HTTP/URI RFCs handy), "+" isn't a synonym for a space.

Only some *CGI scripts* convert a + to a space, similarly to the way they also
treat "&" specially, but you can only use such a "+" after the "?" of a
GET request to a CGI, and only if the CGI knows this transformation.

For example, try browsing

And it will tell you:
        "The requested URL /hi there was not found on this server."

with the %20 converted to a space. With a +, this doesn't happen:

        "The requested URL /hi+there was not found on this server."

Nadav Har'El                        |       Saturday, Aug 10 2002, 2 Elul 5762
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