On Mon, Sep 23, 2002, Ma'ayan Eshed wrote about "Re: Weman and Linux":
> > girl's name - and you can see Nana's forum - there are few more girls who
> > use Linux.
> 1.I'm very glad you've forgot my name, thats one step towards equality (;

Maybe if you post more, people will remember your name :) And judging from
your last posts, it would only be remembered for the good. (eek, that last
sentenced came out English-ized Hebrew, sorry about that - that's what
happens when I'm emailing when in fact I should have been working)

> 2.FYI - I pesronally know atleast 2 more women who use linux and don't take
> part in this mailing list (;

So what, I know many male and female Linux users, and even people who work
in Linux, that either never heard of linux-il or heard about it and don't
want to join. Luckily, no-one - neither man nor woman - is forced to join

And by the way, I think there are at least two more females on this list that
nobody mentioned yet... There could be more, that never post.

Nadav Har'El                        |      Monday, Sep 23 2002, 18 Tishri 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |until a prior desired result is produced.

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