On Sat, Oct 19, 2002, Guy Cohen wrote about "Re: [long] asking for help properly [Was: 
pptp kernel freeze]":
> [blah blah blah so much crap i can cry]

Do you really think that with such an attitude anyone would want to help
you now?

> And if i tell you what kernel version im using would you know
> how to solve this problem? let me think about it.... Nope you wouldn't.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy...

Think about this:

ISP hotline: Acme ISP customer support, how may I help you?
customer: Hi, I can't connect to the internet - it's my Windows fault.
          What do I need to do to fix it?
hotline:  How do you know it's your windows fault? What Windows is this?
          What kind of message do you see when you try to log on?
customer: Don't you trust me? I'm telling you it's my Windows fault.
          Believe me. It always happens when I try to log in using the
          only OS I use, Windows.
hotline:  But how can I can help you fix this problem if you don't tell
          me what Windows version you have, and what error message you see
          when you try to log on? So far I have no clue if this is a known
          problem, or how to fix it, because you avoided giving me any
          details! I'm not even at a situation now where I know if it's
          a problem I can solve myself or if I need to find a more knowlegable
          support person to help you. Please tell me which version of Windows
          you are running and exactly what happens when you press that "dial"
customer: blah blah blah so much crap i can cry.
          And if i tell you what Windows version im using would you know
          how to solve this problem? let me think about it.... Nope you
hotline:  <hang up>

Nadav Har'El                        |   Saturday, Oct 19 2002, 13 Heshvan 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |Windows detected you moved your mouse.
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |Reboot for this change to take effect.

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